How to cover breaking news online
My intention with this blog is not to primarily use it as a venue to promote work done by my own company. However, I believe I need to make an exception when one of my newspapers does something that...
View ArticleOn Sundays, murder is an easy sale
If there is murder, deadly fires and general mayhem leading your local newscast, it MUST be Sunday night. Despite the bleak nature of these types of stories they are the ones TV news often relies on....
View ArticleSnow does not have to blow
NOTE: I’m proud to be participating today, along with fellow journalism bloggers from around the world in the Carnival of Journalism. In addition to reading my post please visit the Carnival host site...
View ArticleAgoraphobics in your newsroom?
I must say that I’m still surprised when I walk into a newsroom and see most of the reporters sitting at their desks, talking on phones and/or working on computers. As editors are fond of saying, the...
View ArticleCan you spare five minutes for a better story?
Conversations between reporters and editors are a great thing. But at many newspapers, they don’t happen nearly often enough and when it comes to covering breaking news, I’m afraid they happen even...
View ArticleIt’s NOT good enough – UPDATED
It’s particularly on days like Thursday, Dec. 27, when the Associated Press must feel good about it itself. As most people now know, Thursday morning Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was...
View ArticleAre you setting yourself up for a “beat”down?
One of the great things about your newspaper having a website is that the painful sting of getting beaten does not have to last a full day. It used to be that reporters would grab a copy of the...
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